Sunday, March 13, 2011


Yep that's right..... 12785 Angelina Drive will no longer be ours as of April 18, 2011. As happy as I am to have this huge house sell and not lose a ton of money, it still is really sad to hand over these keys. It has been so good to us and so many memories will be left behind in it. It's always hard to start a new chapter in life, but every beginning comes from some other beginnings end...... right? Isn't that how that song "Closing time" goes? It sure is closing time for us and until the closing day on this house we will try to savor every last moment here in it.

Now ....... about finding a place to call home for the month of April & May? This will probably be the most interesting, stressful, exciting, and EMOTIONAL few months I will ever have to experience. I know it always works out in the end..... I just don't want it to all happen so fast that I am institutionalized when we arrive in Washington.

This little baby girl will hopefully be good to me and come at the right time.... or at least a little closer to the right time then the last two did.

Thanks for the many memories and being our first place to call "Home".

Just a small tear or two after writing this......
okay, maybe more like a flood.


Lisa said...

I'm not happy about this one bit. I'm just just gonna say it now!

Jennyanne said...

Why do you sound like you're re- living my life ? I seriously FEEL your pain. I really do remember how hard it is to go through the moving change while you are pregnant and ...all the unknowns of it all. Not if but when you need that shoulder to cry on you'd better be hitting speed dial to Canada. I'll be waiting. You can do it Sarah! It really does all work out somehow. Sure wish I could be your neighbor right now. Good bye 12785. I'm so glad that we both got to leave our mark on Angelina Drive. Go to the park for me tomorrow.

Carlee said...

Change is SO Hard!! What a blessing that it sold so fast! You guys can come live with us the next couple months! :)

Juliana said...

Wow! Congrats! ANd.....I hear ya right now.....change! Change is good though right! Hard to leave what you thought was going to be it for a while at least and ready for a new adventure! Woo Hoo! What a relief to have that awesome house sold though!