Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A reminder

How does time fly by so fast? I came across these pictures of the boys from a few years ago and can't believe they were ever so little. Karson's cheeks at this age are award winning and I think he got that from me. I sure love these boys. I miss them now that they are gone all day at school....... everyday. Sad.

I treasure these children with all my heart.


Brian and Emily said...

You are such a good mother Sarah and I think you are right about big families. I feel the same way about learning something with each child and feeling like maybe I'm getting it. I love your great big Mother heart!

campblondie said...

Fo realzies! I can't believe you have a 7 year old. I also can't believe I knew you when he was a newborn! You are a great mom!

Kera said...

Time flies. I remember seeing you with your two very little boys in our old presidio neighborhood and thinking you guys were so dang cute. Still are. I'm so happy I get to be friends with you :)

Better start working on your next 5. har har.

Juliana said...

Ahhh! Thanks for the reminders! I think about that often and am so amazed that my little boys are gone everyday all day to! Ugh! Loved the time when we could just go play at the park and go wherever we wanted when we wanted. SO much fun doing those things with the younger one now! Ü But miss the big ones! Ü

Jennyanne said...

That was so well written.

I love these pictures. Karson cheeks are definitely little Sarah cheeks. I love what you wrote.

Garden of the Gods makes me Colorado home sick.

I completely agree.

Sheri said...

You are awesome Sarah. Thanks for the reminder.