Friday, September 10, 2010


I can't believe we let it go. This suburban was soooo good to us this past 6 years. Scott is blaming it all on me why it's gone. Why do I feel so bad replacing it? It must be for all the memories tagging along with it over the years. It is the only vehicle we have known through babies, San Francisco, 1000 mile road trips, and hot date nights if you know what I mean......
We actually did have a moment of silence last night as the new owners drove it away.
Then I got over it really fast because it was a huge vehicle to drive. Sorry.
I guess we're moving on and up.
We love you '94 teal suburban and won't forget you.


Kera said...

wish we were cool enough to drive a luxury vehicle :) i'm just glad we could put our stamp in that vehicle before you sold it.

Kera said...

in the strong case there will be peeps reading my comment who don't know me, i was KIDDING about the "stamp" part. not kidding about the first part.

Brian and Emily said...

Well, on to bigger and better? HA HA
Must have sold fast eh?

Sheri said...

I see one just like yours driving around here...always makes me take a double look and think of you. Do you remember all the people you hauled in that thing around SF? And when you got a parking ticket while you were in the car nursing Carson?

Now you need to put a pic up of your new ride. Goodbye suburban! :)
Hot date crack me up!

Juliana said...

Ahhhh.....memories! So when do we get to see the replacement! Ü

Jennyanne said...

sure Kera... suuuuuuuuure

I am so sad to see old Betsy for the last time.
Post a better shot of your new ride : )