Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Practice makes perfect right? How about in my case practice makes better. A while ago Regan taught me a new technique with crafting hair bows. I wasn't too excited because it took me like 2 hours to make one and it wasn't even great!
So I thought about giving it another go and used up all my random rolls of ribbon I had sitting around the house. I wanted to try to be creative and still keep it simple. I have to say I am very proud of myself for finding success finally! I love them.

This cream one is probably my favorite. I loved the little beaded ribbon on it.
The red one ..... that was my first one. Yikes. It was falling apart so I added the centers.

These ones are more casual but match any outfit.
Thanks Reg! I'm kind of addicted. Bring on the ribbon......


Kera said...

the last ones are my favorite. you're so "crafty"

Lisa said...

I'm going to need a demonstration/class on those. Girl things ARE going to be introduced into this house!

Life Is Golden said...

They all look A-dorable... Good job Swiss!

The Probst Piece said...

I would like to learn how to make those. So one of these days when we get to see you I'll have ribbon ready! The are so cute!!