Well, believe it or not we were very
disappointed to find out that Celine cancelled her concert last night. So..... good thing we have been giving Jade a bottle every night for the past few weeks, and hired two different babysitters to go out that night, and counted on a special night at Celine for our seventh anniversary! Darn it! Scott was so sweet to plan all of this last Christmas..... it was going to be the perfect night. What do ya do? Her concert won't be until February 24th, and that's if we keep our tickets and still go! So thanks Celine, you better have some crazy, desperate reason for canceling. Just for the record we did still go out last night to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and to the new James Bond movie. Still fun but Celine would have been so, so, so much better.
Oh bummer! I was thinking about you what night and wondering how it all went with Jade and the fun concert! I read that on Janae and Cameron's blog that they had tickets too and she cancelled! Wondered if it happened to you too! Sounds like you managed to find something fun to do anyway--good for you!
LAME-O! What a bummer! What is her deal? Janet Jackson-I expect to cancel. SHe is nuts. But Celine???
Oh I am so glad you guys still went out! I am so mad. Josh told me I couldn't bring a camera so I have no pictures of the show last night to show you. : ( Just know that I wore my turquoise so you would be there in spirit! It was an AWESOME concert. So.... you did attend a concert last night- just in spirit. Wish you could have been there so bad!
The last post was from your sister Jenny- my babysitter was still logged on so it posted my comment under her name! oops!
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