Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Sun" day

I love when the Sun is shining on Sundays. Especially since it has been raining, snowing, and hailing for the past week....... oh, and freezing. The kids were so cute this morning, they were ready for church on time and early enough to take Jade for a stroll around the block. They looked so cute I had to catch the moment since most Sunday mornings for me are frantic, rushed, and stressful. I love these little souls, I looked at them today and couldn't believe they are temporarily mine. They are my treasures.

This little girl has the best big brothers!
Jade is loving the trampoline these days....... too bad it's ripping to pieces.
Scott's attempted flip thingy? The landing was even worse.
Me showing the boys a real back flip! ha.
See, Kael is standing in the hazardous zone...... where the springs fly off at any given second!
Looks like we will be buying our second trampoline this summer and not at Wal-mart


Brian and Emily said...

I love you Sarah, you are a hot mama and can still do a back flip. I wanted to call you yesterday and I tried but your old number didn't give me your knew number. I miss you tons. Love those kiddos, they are growing up. I was telling Will about Lake 5, and playing with Kael and he got a big smile on his face. I just know the two of them will connect like we have always dreamed. Hugs!

Sheri said...

You go back flip! Remember in SF when the whole week would be awful weather and Sunday would ALWAYS be the best sunny day?
You are welcome to come visit ANYTIME!!! Boise rocks. You will want to move here by the time I am done with you.

Kera said...

sarah, that trampoline is a complete HAZARED! with that hole how were you even jumping on the thing you crazy folks.

get a load of scotty's hair!!!! ha ha ha. he could pass for one the tent city people right now. go ahead and tell him that. you guys crack me up. can't wait to show p.

oh and you have 3 ADOOORRRABBBLEEEE kids. so cute. did cars get a little hair cut?

Anna Linnea said...

Sarah! You are AMAZING!!! I am such a chicken these days! Buy your next trampoline at sports authority. That is were we got ours, it was like $500 but it is super sturdy. A tornado isn't going to move that thing!

Juliana said...

Way to go Miss Sarah! You show them how it's done! But freakin' scary with the big hazard there!