Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh Canada how I love thee!

I have so much to catch up on over the last month. Wow. It was the busiest 4 weeks ever but also the very best! I was able to see lots of family and friends when I went home to Canada. Can I just say how much I love that place! Waterton was amazing. We had a late Thanksgiving there together and it was great (but not complete without Joel and Regan). I was not sure what to do with myself most of the time having only one child to take care of ......... Scott had the boys in Montana. He is so good to me, and he survived the week with two crazy little boys, which is impressive.
I also got to spend some one on one time with my sister Emily and her darling family. We have never really had the opportunity to just really catch up and enjoy our time together. It was fun to stay up late and chat, watch girlie movies, go out shopping, or just sing our hearts out and be goofy. It was perfect. I love you Em thanks for everything.

Here is everyone slaving away in the kitchen for our big turkey dinner........

My gorgeous sisters and Mother.

Grandma with Jade "Elaine" her namesake.

We got creative and that is supposed to be Joel in the middle?
All siblings together ......... almost.
Waterton. My favorite place. Pretty amazing to see the wildlife this close.
Nadine and the cutest little bowl cut boy you've ever seen!
Emily and I.
Her youngest boy Seth, so cute!
Emily and I having a photo shoot on her farm with the perfect tire swing!
This moment sure made it hard to leave.
I had so many pictures and so little time to post this. I am so grateful for my amazing family and for the time I had to spend with each of you! I love you all!


Juliana said...

FUN! Glad you got to go home! Ü Spending time with sisters is the BEST! Ü

Brian and Emily said...

sniffle, sniffle.......thanks for posting these pictures Sarah and for sharing your memories of our time together. It was a week I will cherish for a very long time....until it can happen again. And oh how I love little Jade, give her a kiss for me. xoxo