Wednesday, May 6, 2009

All at once

Poor Karson has had a rough week. We all had a pretty rough week getting over a 7 day stomach flu. I got it twice and worse the second time around.  Scott and Jade are the only ones who didn't get it. I just wanted to point out some good that has come from being deathly ill.

1. Scott had to feed Jade for the first time at night.
2. lipton soup mix and gatorade = no cooking.
3. not feeling guilty for kids watching t.v. all day (all week).
4. pajama's everyday 
5.  losing a few pounds
6. good excuse for a messy house
Well, at least it made me feel better looking at things positively:)

So here is the rest of the story. Karson has been taking an antibiotic for the purpose of saving his two front teeth. Dr. Scott is 100% responsible for them almost being knocked out. I know he feels really badly about it and will never throw Karson that high onto the couch again. We found out yesterday that Karson is allergic to the antibiotic because he is covered from head to toe with a very itchy red rash. So the poor kid had to go through everything all at once I guess. 
Infected front teeth, the stomach flu, and an allergic reaction to his medication!

Sorry little pal. It should get better soon.
A swollen, red, sweet little face.
Thanks for being so tough this week Karson. 


Juliana said...

Oh man! I was wondering how the Probst household was doing! Poor guy! Hope things get better soon. McKay keeps asking if I would call and see if Kael is feeling better--but we've had a few ickies over here too! Bummers! The weather is soooo nice--the park is screaming our names!

Rachel said...

oh man. sorry to hear you guys were so slammed. I know being sick as the mom is terrible but adding sick kids on top. that is crazy. I hope your little guy is doing better.

Jennyanne said...

I feel itchy just looking at that! Poor lil Kars. I hope he's all better! You too!