Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That one hurt......

My pride, my clean record of never crashing, or getting a ticket in our married life, my insurance, my husband, and my happiness for the next week or so. 
Why oh why do they have these random yellow poles placed throughout the parking lot? I swear to you I did not even see it (even though I parked right beside it?)  There is nothing worse then hearing that "crunch" sound, and that is the first time I have in my driving history. Juliana witnessed the whole thing and held a good fake supportive smile for a while as I debated crying, laughing or screaming for a few minutes.  I was mostly concerned about showing up at Scott's office to show him the damage.  He laughed, only because he was trying to be nice and hide his true feelings. I think he knew I was about to cry if he got mad. 
He really was so good about it and that helped a lot. He even gave me a kiss..... no make out session though. 
I think this will seal the deal with him driving "his truck" more often, his brand new truck, that he only refuses to drive because of putting too many miles on it. Yes, that is the only reason it was ever in my hands. I wish it never was.

Painful to look at....... especially when your guilty of such a crime.
Hopefully Scott won't kill me when we get the estimate on it tomorrow.  I still have a sick feeling in my stomach, I know it won't leave for a while. 


Juliana said...

Still soooo sorry it happened--glad Scott took it well! What a crazy day! Love the pics--still wished I would've taken one of the truck stuck on the darn yellow post! That "unforgiving post"! HA!

Sheri said...

So Sorry SARAH! Ahh I hate when things like that happen!

Tosha G said...

I backed my bran new car into a pole, I hadn't even got the license plates yet, i had that same sick feeling. Good thing Scott took it so well.

Anna Linnea said...

So sad. You and Kesti need to have a cry session together. She hit one of those yellow poles leaving Ians B-day party a few months ago. :(

Krista said...

I did something similar to our new pilot shortly after we bought it, but I hit a car's side mirror and it left a blue line on the side of our car and a little dent. We still haven't gotten it fixed. I was soooo sad about it. Luckily the guy's car was fine and we didn't file with the insurance. I know how you are feeling though. I hated telling Stephen....We did get over it, but I don't think we will be entirely over it until it is repaired. Just gotta find the time to do that....

Unknown said...

How frustrating Sarah!! I always hate that crunching sound because you just know that it's not going to look like it did before the crunch!