Saturday, July 25, 2009

Crazy Colorado weather

 Houses have been struck by lightning in our neighborhood. Tornado warnings aren't unusual ..... seek shelter underground. Our trampoline blew over and broke our fence. Giant hail storms that will hurt you when you try to run out and collect evidence. Scattered thunder showers daily.  Always exciting I guess. Sometimes a little scary.

Our proof.
Kael was determined to find the biggest ones...... and came in crying because it hurt so bad!


Jamie said...

WOAH-A! That hail is HUGE!!!!

janine said...

welcome to colorado! i love the storms here. i also love how one corner of the sky will look like the destruction of civilization and the other will be the most calm beautiful sunset!

Juliana said...

Wowzers about the neighborhood home being struck by lightning! Recently? Yikes! And you werent'kidding when you told me about the hail!

Wendi Oyler said...

Hi Sarah!
I am so glad I have your blog so I can keep in touch that way. I am much better about blogging than facebook. Your family is so so so cute and you are gorgeous! My blog is just timandwendi (original I know). Wendi